Independant Building – Property Inspectors

We are qualified, and accredited with 20 years building experience. You have the right to insist on a professional Pre-Purchase Inspection.

Independent Building – Property Inspectors

​We are qualified and accredited with 20 years building experience.


We do:

Regular inspections on the progress of building contractors.

Check for compliance with the National Building Regulations and SANS 10400

Quality control on the structures and finishes of the building.

Provide regular, impartial feedback on the progress and quality of the work performed by the contractors.

Arrange for certificates from engineers, plumbers, electricians, glazing specialists and A19 certificates for roof structures.

Arrange for an occupation certificate from the local municipality

Pre-purchase inspections on existing houses with full reports, and photos

Estimates on planned extensions and alterations to properties

Certification & Associations

Professional House Inspections

House Reports

Call Us

+27 (0) 82 872 8664